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What Issues Should I Consider Before And After The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Sunset Provision Occurs?

Many individuals and couples have enjoyed the lower tax brackets brought about by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). However, the current tax brackets are expected to change at the end of 2025 when the TCJA sunsets. 

Are you prepared for this?

With this checklist, you can start having meaningful conversations with your financial or tax advisor about steps that can be taken now, and after the sunset occurs, to ensure you are making the most of your tax planning goals and needs.

This checklist covers important tax planning factors to consider before and after the TCJA sunset provision occurs, such as:

  • The effect on one’s budget and cash flow.
  • Potential changes in one’s retirement contribution strategy.
  • Proactive planning strategies regarding required minimum distributions (RMDs) and the sale of other taxable assets.
  • Business owner considerations regarding purchases and the Section 199A QBI deduction.
  • Estate planning and gifting strategy considerations.
  • How portfolio allocations might change after the sunset provision occurs.

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See Related Guide: ➡ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) Sunset Provision Comparison Guide

This is not an exhaustive list of considerations. You should have a meaningful discussion with, among other people, your financial advisor that goes beyond the topics covered here. Neither RFG Advisory nor Blake Wealth Management provide tax, legal or accounting advice. RFG Advisory cannot guarantee that the information herein is accurate, complete, or timely. RFG Advisory makes no warranties with regard to such information or results obtained by its use and disclaims any liability arising out of your use of such information.

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