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How Do You Create a Simple Retirement Plan?

A retirement income plan is needed because life changes in retirement. Your retirement plan should account for every year in retirement, even past your life expectancy. 

For each year, make a list for you and your spouse that includes social security income, pensions and annuity income. Also list earnings from investments and working part-time. List any other fixed and regular income sources. For each year, list your desired gross retirement income need. Be sure to include taxes, the effects of inflation and potential medical expenses. Then for each year, determine the gap or surplus by subtracting expenses from income. 

If you see that you have gaps in your retirement plan, give us a call today. We can make sure you have a strategy to help you reach your retirement goals.

Let us help you evaluate your Retirement Income Plan.  Click here to get your SIMPLY RETIREMENT Roadma™.

What worked for you before retirement may not work during retirement.

Are you prepared?

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