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#40 - Social Security Fairness Act


The Social Security Fairness Act is a transformative law that eliminates the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), paving the way for millions—especially women in public-sector roles—to access long-overdue Social Security benefits.

 In this episode, I explore the impact of these changes on retirement planning, addressing listener questions about eligibility, retroactive benefits, and practical steps to maximize financial security under the new law.

Key Highlights: 

  • How the Social Security Fairness Act eliminates WEP and GPO, positively impacting public-sector workers like teachers and firefighters
  • The disproportionate effect of GPO on women, especially widows and divorced individuals, and how the new legislation offers significant financial relief
  • The retroactive nature of the Act, which applies benefits back to January 2024, potentially leading to lump-sum payments for eligible individuals
  • Strategies to maximize benefits under the new rules, including understanding survivor and spousal benefit eligibility
  • Steps to take now, such as applying for benefits, checking eligibility, and consulting financial advisors to adapt retirement plans accordingly
  • And more!

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