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Retirement Guides and Checklists

Should I Take My Pension as a Lump Sum?

Although increasingly rare, employer pensions can make up a considerable portion of some retirees' expected retirement benefits. Whether they are nearing retirement or are already receiving ongoing pension payments, some individuals may have the option to choose a lump sum distribution/buyout instead of a lifetime stream of payments. Several factors must be analyzed in order to determine what course is best for each retiree's unique circumstances.

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Should I Rollover My Dormant 401(k)?

401(k)s and IRAs have many unique features that may be beneficial to retirees, depending on their circumstances. The decision to roll funds out of a former employer’s plan involves more factors than just fees and investment selection. To help make this analysis easier, we have created the “Should I Roll Over My Dormant Traditional 401(k)?” flowchart. It addresses some of the most common issues that should be considered before doing a rollover.

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