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Retirement Guides and Checklists

2022 Important Numbers

There are lots of important numbers to keep in mind when planning for retirement. In some cases, those numbers are annual limits that change each year. Other times, the figures do not often change but are used frequently. Given the variety of sources that report relevant numbers, it can be difficult to quickly find the right reference when you need it. In response to this challenge, we’ve created the two-page “Important Numbers” resource.

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Can I Make a Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution?

If your earned income is too high, you may be unable to make a regular contribution to a Roth IRA. But, there is a workaround called the Backdoor Roth Contribution. There are many factors and rules that must be considered, and complicated steps to take in order to properly implement this strategy, without penalty. To help make the analysis easier, we have created the “Can I Make A Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution?” flowchart.

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